Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Time to prime the pump

Took some time off the bike last week to relax. Jumped on the Red Menace and rolled ~80 miles on Saturday. Not bad legs felt a little cooked. Did a great mtb ride at grand ridge and duthie. Legs definitely shot after that one. Back to the grind today. rollin out for 60 then job hunting. giggidy giggidy, giggidy goo.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Damn, almost missed my meeting today but made it with time to spare. Did all i needed then got to back home to suck the caffeinated drink of life. Applied for roughly 8 jobs today. A little crazy I know but doing what I gotta do.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

long time gone

Was off riding and staying in my mind for the past 2 weeks trying to figure things out. I find it odd that when i do these little introspective journeys I end up over thinking shit and just make myself mad and stressed out. So i will try and not do it.

Today i cashed my first check as a Government Illustrator. Yes, that is right I am drawing a paycheck...............fro the gov'ment. Hopefully you are lucky enough to never feel the emasculating that unemployment brings, but it does help to quell the monetary stress. Another month of rent payed.

Gonna start to paclk my shit up so that I can begin to take things to Bellingham. Store my shit for a bit while I figure things out.
